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The My Future Care Buddy Service and My Future Care Handbook

The My Future Care Buddy Service and My Future Care Handbook are designed to encourage you to think about and make decisions around your future care and end-of-life, much earlier than tends to be the case. It can be challenging to think about these things when what we all really want to do is concentrate on living the best life we can, right now.
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Maybe you have been putting off sorting out your Will or Power of Attorney, or you want to let health and care professionals know your preferences, or perhaps you have no idea where to start and could do with some support to work it all out.

The My Future Care Buddy Service begins with an online session with a small group of people in the same situation. One of our experienced Buddies helps you focus on what’s important to you and understand the steps to take. You will leave with a personal plan and a diary date for a check-in with your Buddy to help you stay on track.

You will also receive the practical and information-packed My Future Care Handbook which pulls important decisions, documents and tasks together in one place, explaining what each one is for and how it will be used. It contains guidance on how to complete each item, who else you need to involve, and where to find additional help.

Before you know it you’ll have made and shared your decisions and you’ll be able to concentrate on living the best life you can, right now.

“My Buddy was delightful and helpful - a worthwhile service.”

“I now feel that I've got back up with the daunting task of preparing for the future.”

“A great resource to guide you through making future care decisions and doing the paperwork to put them in place. None of us know what's around the corner, so communicate your wishes now. Give you and your family peace of mind and get on with living your life!”

Our Comment

The My Future Care Handbook is a wonderful tool, and something that we would love everyone to use, particularly at the point they think they might need care and support in the next few years.

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