Certificate provision for Lasting Power of Attorney - £250
In order for a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) to be valid and registered with the Office of the Public Guardian (OPG), it must contain a certificate confirming that the person making the LPA (the “Donor”) has full mental capacity at the time of making it. Plan with Care can make an assessment and provide the necessary certificate if required.
£250 inclusive of VAT and travel in Kent.
COP3 for Deputyship - £480
If a person loses the mental capacity to make decisions about their health and welfare or their finances and property, then an application can be made to the Court of Protection to appoint a Deputy for either health and welfare and/or finances and property. The application to the Court of Protection requires the completion of a mental capacity assessment of that individual’s ability to make the decision about whom should manage their financial affairs for example. This form (the COP 3) can be completed if the person loses that capacity and signed by a registered practitioner at Plan with Care to assist in the application for deputyship.
£480 inclusive of VAT and travel in Kent, for relatively straightforward assessments. Complex cases are charged at an hourly rate.
Mental Capacity Assessment (inc. testamentary capacity) - £410
We also offer mental capacity assessments and reports as needed, including testamentary capacity for wills.
£410 inclusive of VAT and travel in Kent, for relatively straightforward assessments. Complex cases are charged at an hourly rate. Two assessments in the same visit (eg Finance & Property and Health & Welfare) is usually charged at £690 inclusive.
We can provide these services in London and Sussex with additional travel costs.